Thursday, 20 May 2010

The Last Workshop

Today we did a review of our stories and assess the changes. Talk of the launch or preview in July Venue t.b.a.

Elaine gave us a list of things to do for this next week working towards July 21st. My logo for the story may be a policemans hat. Here's an example of the sort of hat I mean. What do you think?

I would like some music in the background - eerie first - to finish maybe a band.

Doreen found some pictures on the internet she thought I might want to use on my blog. You can look at them on here. What do you think of these pictures? Creepy! I like the second one down best because it looks like the derelict building where my story is set.

Another thing I have been thinking about is the character's name in my story: John Clarkson. This is not an unusual sounding name. There should be hundreds of John Clarksons. But I don't want someone to look at my story on the internet when it is finished and think I am writing about them. What do you think about this? Should I be worried?


  1. Hi Dot

    I really like the icon of the policeman's hat. You're giving me a good idea for the icon I want to have for my story. You'll have to check out my blog to find out what I decide though!!

    I don't think having a story character with the same name as a real person is a problem at all. No matter how unusual the name you choose, someone in the world will have it.

    You could try googling yourself! There is another Jenn Ashworth in the world and she is a marine biologist!


  2. goo i like the idea of a hat and the name goes well as you dont want someone to fancy i believe if you google your name , you will find lots of interesting people their was an athlete called louise jones it used to make me laugh as she ran round the track!!!!

  3. Louise - you said 'you don't want someone too fancy' and I think that's a good point too. The name of the character has to fit in with the time period and the place you are writing about.

    It isn't likely he would be called Pierre or Carlos or Mohammed, is it? I think the same you've chosen really suits the time period and the place of the story really well, so don't worry about it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Now you're tempting me to write a story about Keith Szlamp.

    I like the idea of someone ego-searching themselves and finding someone who has exactly the same name as them but a very different life. Imagine if that person was a murderer or on the run from the police and you kept getting mixed up with their story?

    I wonder what would happen then.

    This reminds me about the worry Margaret had about her original screen name having something in common with a person she did not want to be associated with.

    Maybe there's another short story brewing...
