Sunday, 11 July 2010

went to the top of the Anglican Cathedral
so here are a few views.
This is the Cathedral at sunset from my balcony


  1. Hi Dot

    I like these pictures - you're a dab hand now at uploading them, aren't you?

    Just catching up with everything I've missed over the past three weeks or so. Do you need any help with anything or are you all done now?

    Looking forward to seeing you soon


  2. Hi Jenn so pleased you and baby are fine.
    I seem to be ok with most things now, thanks to elaine calling and taking me through a few snags. Elaine has made a few notes on things sh e will look at when she returns. one is the news paper headline she may change, but if not i'm fine with the finished article except when i publish the story for some reason the colours change that's one that thing that i would like sorted. if you can help.

  3. Lovely photo's Dot, well done


  4. loike the photos especially of the cathedrael wondow and of charring cross before hand bring back the ROUNABOUTS and add some character
